Stalbridge Town Council Chairman Katie Garland gives us an update on what is happening at Stalbridge Town Council.
Covid-19: What’s happening at Stalbridge Town Council
In accordance with government guidance of the 25th March 2020 all scheduled full Town Council & Planning meetings have been cancelled until further notice. This includes the Annual Town Meeting which would normally take place in May. At an extraordinary meeting of the Town Council on the 18th March 2020 an internal continuity plan and scheme of delegation were adopted which will enable The Council to continue to carry out its core statutory functions. The Clerk will continue to provide office services and manage the core services, she can be contacted by phone, e-mail or on the web site contact page. The Council will continue to be in contact with the Dorset Council Ward member.
Covid-19: What’s happening about Town Council planning application consultation
Following a statement from The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government concerning the importance of Local Authorities ensuring that the planning system continues to function, Stalbridge Town Council have resolved to delegate consideration and response to Dorset Council on planning applications upon which they are consulted to the newly appointed Interim Planning Committee for the duration of the period that meetings are not possible. This committee consists of six members who will communicate and reach a majority view on applications in a similar process as at a meeting using remote communication.
A list of the applications to be dealt with by the Interim Planning Committee and comment submission deadline dates will be posted in the front window of The Hub and on the Town Council web site.
Neighbouring residents as consultees and other interested members of the public are encouraged to make direct response on applications to Dorset Council via ‘Dorset For You’. Should you wish to contact the Town Council with your comments please do so via the Town Council Web site contact page or e-mail, and if doing so please be concise and bullet point your comments rather than using letter form. Any comments received will be circulated to members of the Interim Planning Committee prior to their consideration.
All Town Council comments made as a consultee can be viewed on the application file on ‘Dorset For You’ and will be reported when normal business resumes.
Covid-19: What’s happening at Stalbridge Town Council
In accordance with government guidance of the 25th March 2020 all scheduled full Town Council & Planning meetings have been cancelled until further notice. This includes the Annual Town Meeting which would normally take place in May. At an extraordinary meeting of the Town Council on the 18th March 2020 an internal continuity plan and scheme of delegation were adopted which will enable The Council to continue to carry out its core statutory functions. The Clerk will continue to provide office services and manage the core services, she can be contacted by phone, e-mail or on the web site contact page. The Council will continue to be in contact with the Dorset Council Ward member.
Covid-19: What’s happening about Town Council planning application consultation
Following a statement from The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government concerning the importance of Local Authorities ensuring that the planning system continues to function, Stalbridge Town Council have resolved to delegate consideration and response to Dorset Council on planning applications upon which they are consulted to the newly appointed Interim Planning Committee for the duration of the period that meetings are not possible. This committee consists of six members who will communicate and reach a majority view on applications in a similar process as at a meeting using remote communication.
A list of the applications to be dealt with by the Interim Planning Committee and comment submission deadline dates will be posted in the front window of The Hub and on the Town Council web site.
Neighbouring residents as consultees and other interested members of the public are encouraged to make direct response on applications to Dorset Council via ‘Dorset For You’. Should you wish to contact the Town Council with your comments please do so via the Town Council Web site contact page or e-mail, and if doing so please be concise and bullet point your comments rather than using letter form. Any comments received will be circulated to members of the Interim Planning Committee prior to their consideration.
All Town Council comments made as a consultee can be viewed on the application file on ‘Dorset For You’ and will be reported when normal business resumes.