Stalbridge Town Council Meetings Town Council MeetingTo all Town Councillors, Dorset Councillor & Members of the public and pressDear member you are summoned to attend a meeting of the Town Council which will be held at The Hub on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at 7.00pm to consider the agenda items listed below. Signed: Tracey Watson (Clerk) This Summons dated: 10th July 2024Meeting Notes:
MEETING AGENDA:Open Forum: Please note: a period up to a maximum of fifteen minutes will be allowed for public comments and questions concerning items listed on the following agenda
P/OUT/2024/03690 Demolition of Dutch Barn & erection of 1no. detached dwelling (outline application to determine access only). Wards Hill Church Hill Stalbridge DT10 2LS. Mrs M Trott (Brimble Lea)
Stalbridge Town Council Meetings Town Council Meeting MinutesDraft minutes of a meeting of the Town Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th July 2024. (Held at The Hub Commencing at 7 p.m.) Councillors present at the meeting: K Garland (Chair), P Hancock, H Hatcher, J Wardell & N Wardle. Clerk for the meeting:T Watson J Wardell (ROWLO / TC Auditor 2024) was present There were 16 members of the public present. Prior to open forum P Hancock read out the Town Councils statement in relation to the Station Rd North appeal. Open forum. Complaint about the lack of Churchyard maintenance in the light of the town council grant. Suggestion that the Town requests village status with the aim stopping further residential development. Request for an update on the pumps refurbishment.
RESOLVED: Jan Wardell was co-opted to Council. Declaration of office signed.
Electric vehicle charging point installation: Feasibility study has been concluded two areas of concern remain firstly, the introduction of the EV charging points could constitute a breach of a covenant which was included in the land transfer arrangements when the carpark was transferred into the ownership of the Town Council. This matter is currently being reviewed by Assets and Regeneration Department of Dorset Council. Secondly, the proposed licence agreement requires the “host” i.e. the Town Council to enforce any parking restrictions in relation to the charging point spaces. A revised licence agreement is being sought. Complaints of overgrown verges & paths: Contact has been made with householders and DC Rangers. The situation will be monitored. Notice pursuant to access of land: Land lying to the east of Park Grove: Notification has been received from Baddow Estates Limited who are developing a site for new housing adjacent to the Allotments. This notification relates to access to the Allotments and parking of motor vehicles during the period of construction. The arrangements have been the subject of consultation with the Chairman of the Stalbridge Allotment Society who has confirmed they are acceptable to the membership. AGREED: To sign the notification Southern boundary fence Jarvis field play area - It has been extremely difficult to obtain three quotes for the fence repair works. A quotation will be presented at the August meeting.
AGREED: To congratulate the group on their 10th anniversary. As funds are allocated to offer the option of hire of the hub at the reduced rate or liaising with the Hall Management committee for a reduced hire fee for the event. St Marys PCC – Thankyou for grant AGREED: Thanks, noted Clerk instructed to enquire regarding the current situation of Churchyard maintenance. Playingfields management Committee – request for support for section 106 funding application for a tractor store. AGREED: Support subject to provision of design & costs.
K Garland (neighbourhood) Dorset Police alert system - Council signed up as a recipient. Methods of sharing information TBC when the system is up and running.
It was noted that council had been consulted on a similar application at this address before. RESOLVED: To support the application based on the annex being ancillary to Rose cottage and confirmation that no parking is required in association with the occupancy of the annex, as the application form states that existing car parking arrangements will not be affected and curb side parking on Gold street is already a problem. P/OUT/2024/03690 Demolition of Dutch Barn & erection of 1no. detached dwelling (outline application to determine access only). Wards Hill Church Hill Stalbridge DT10 2LS. Mrs M Trott (Brimble Lea) It was noted that the application had previously been refused and that the subsequent appeal had been disallowed. Some concerns were expressed at the potential prominence of the dwelling. RESOLVED: To support the application in terms of the proposed access.
Stalbridge Hall Ring Street Stalbridge Sturminster Newton DT10 2NF. Granted 24.6.24 P/TRC/2024/02777 T1 Pine – Fell. 7 Westminster Cottages Thornhill Road Stalbridge Dorset DT10 2PJ. No objection. 14.6.24.
Stalbridge DT10 2RJ. Appeal allowed and outline planning permission granted. 5.7.24. P/HOU/2024/02580 – Erect single storey rear extension. 2 Vale Cottages, Ring Street, Stalbridge, DT10 2LZ. To be considered by Northern Area Planning Committee on 16.7.24.
Mobile phone £12.40 JF design & Print June 24 £288.00 JF design & Print Annual subs & hosting £285.00 British Gas Lite Hub electricity 05/06-03/07/24 £33.99 EDF Hub Gas 06.06.24- pending Four County Services Ltd IT & Viop £244.44 IK Services Town orderly services June s/o £2,808.00 British Gas Lite public WC elec 26.05 - 26/06 £20.57 Dorset Council Hub Rates 5 or 10 £848.00 Dorset Council car park rates 5 of 10 £542.00 R Sharp Grass cutting 21.05-09.07.24 & springfield hedge £3,424.50 T Watson In lieu of payment for container shelves £250.00 Clerk Salary July 24 £1,405.60 Admin Assistant Salary July 24 £724.49 HMRC Tax / NI July 24 £453.87 Dorset Council pension fund Pension July 24 £458.98 Bankline July charges £27.20 DWP Hub & town waste july - Sept 24 £780.65 Youth Connect South West Youth work sessions Q2 01*07-30.09.24 £2,841.18 British Gas Lite Electricity public WC's 26.05-26.06.24 £20.57 IK Services Bin Hire £32.50 Lydlinch PC Office services April & May £94.66 Blackmore Vale Lions Hub hire 13.11.23-13.05.24 £70.00 RESOLVED: List of payment & receipts received
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 7.52pm.
Stalbridge Town Council Meetings Town Council Meeting Minutes Draft minutes of a meeting of the Town Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th July 2024. (Held at The Hub Commencing at 7 p.m.) Councillors present at the meeting: K Garland (Chair), P Hancock, H Hatcher, J Wardell & N Wardle. Clerk for the meeting: T Watson J Wardell (ROWLO / TC Auditor 2024) was present There were 16 members of the public present. Prior to open forum P Hancock read out the Town Councils statement in relation to the Station Rd North appeal. Open forum. Complaint about the lack of Churchyard maintenance in the light of the town council grant. Suggestion that the Town requests village status with the aim stopping further residential development. Request for an update on the pumps refurbishment. 1. Co-option to Vacancy of Office for Town Councillor & Declaration of acceptance of Office. The Clerk confirmed that she had received written conformation that the candidate is eligible to stand. A paper vote was carried out. RESOLVED: Jan Wardell was co-opted to Council. Declaration of office signed. 2. To receive apologies None. 3. To receive declarations of interest and requests for dispensations (Please notify the Town Clerk prior to the meeting) K Garland Item 11a. pecuniary in relation to the payment to IK Services. 4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19th June 2024 RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting having previously been circulated to Councillors were approved and signed by the Chairman. 5. To receive a gift from P Batstone Pauline Batstone & Douglas Adams sister presented a gift of a book ’42 The Wildly improbably ideas of Douglas Adams’ which was accepted by the Chairman on behalf of the Council. A Blue plaque was suggested at the address where Douglas mother lived and where he wrote the ‘Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy’. 6. To receive the Dorset Councillors report. Written report received and circulated in the meeting papers. 7. To receive the Rights of Way liaison Officers report. J Wardell advised that DC Rangers are currently very stretched and that there has been no progress on the access to FP 39 from Robin Way. 8. Clerks report. Hunts leylandii hedge adjacent to Jarvis Way: Following complaints from members of the public contact has been made with Hunts and remedial action has been promised. Electric vehicle charging point installation: Feasibility study has been concluded two areas of concern remain firstly, the introduction of the EV charging points could constitute a breach of a covenant which was included in the land transfer arrangements when the carpark was transferred into the ownership of the Town Council. This matter is currently being reviewed by Assets and Regeneration Department of Dorset Council. Secondly, the proposed licence agreement requires the “host” i.e. the Town Council to enforce any parking restrictions in relation to the charging point spaces. A revised licence agreement is being sought. Complaints of overgrown verges & paths: Contact has been made with householders and DC Rangers. The situation will be monitored. Notice pursuant to access of land: Land lying to the east of Park Grove: Notification has been received from Baddow Estates Limited who are developing a site for new housing adjacent to the Allotments. This notification relates to access to the Allotments and parking of motor vehicles during the period of construction. The arrangements have been the subject of consultation with the Chairman of the Stalbridge Allotment Society who has confirmed they are acceptable to the membership. AGREED: To sign the notification Southern boundary fence Jarvis field play area - It has been extremely difficult to obtain three quotes for the fence repair works. A quotation will be presented at the August meeting. 9. Correspondence: SCARS – Thankyou for grant & request for funding for 10th anniversary event AGREED: To congratulate the group on their 10th anniversary. As funds are allocated to offer the option of hire of the hub at the reduced rate or liaising with the Hall Management committee for a reduced hire fee for the event. St Marys PCC – Thankyou for grant AGREED: Thanks, noted Clerk instructed to enquire regarding the current situation of Churchyard maintenance. Playingfields management Committee – request for support for section 106 funding application for a tractor store. AGREED: Support subject to provision of design & costs. 10. Future Town Vision Project. a. Appointment of portfolio holders RESOLVED: To appoint J Wardel as the portfolio holder for Open spaces & N Wardle as the portfolio holder for Sports & Recreation b. To receive members portfolio reports P Hancock (Infrastructure) – Communication with ward member regarding the recent appeal allowed North of Sation Rd and the way forward for the town. J Wardell suggested pedestrian access and crossing point be incorporation in any future communications. K Garland (neighbourhood) Dorset Police alert system - Council signed up as a recipient. Methods of sharing information TBC when the system is up and running. c. To receive members portfolio proposals. None. 11. Planning a. Response to planning consultations P/HOU/2024/03579 & P/LBC/2024/03580 Covert outbuilding into self-contained annexe. Rose Cottage Gold Street Stalbridge DT10 2LX. Ms Katie Donaldson. It was noted that council had been consulted on a similar application at this address before. RESOLVED: To support the application based on the annex being ancillary to Rose cottage and confirmation that no parking is required in association with the occupancy of the annex, as the application form states that existing car parking arrangements will not be affected and curb side parking on Gold street is already a problem. P/OUT/2024/03690 Demolition of Dutch Barn & erection of 1no. detached dwelling (outline application to determine access only). Wards Hill Church Hill Stalbridge DT10 2LS. Mrs M Trott (Brimble Lea) It was noted that the application had previously been refused and that the subsequent appeal had been disallowed. Some concerns were expressed at the potential prominence of the dwelling. RESOLVED: To support the application in terms of the proposed access. b. Recent planning decisions of Dorset Council P/FUL/2024/01948 Installation of 30 solar panels to existing southwest elevation roof. Stalbridge Hall Ring Street Stalbridge Sturminster Newton DT10 2NF. Granted 24.6.24 P/TRC/2024/02777 T1 Pine – Fell. 7 Westminster Cottages Thornhill Road Stalbridge Dorset DT10 2PJ. No objection. 14.6.24. c. Report on responses to planning consultations None. d. Appeals and matters of report from previous applications APP/D1265/W/23/3333249 – Erection of up to 160 dwellings, Land north of Station Road, Stalbridge DT10 2RJ. Appeal allowed and outline planning permission granted. 5.7.24. P/HOU/2024/02580 – Erect single storey rear extension. 2 Vale Cottages, Ring Street, Stalbridge, DT10 2LZ. To be considered by Northern Area Planning Committee on 16.7.24. e. Members planning matters of report None. 11. Finance. a. To receive a list of payments & receipts Tesco Mobile phone £12.40 JF design & Print June 24 £288.00 JF design & Print Annual subs & hosting £285.00 British Gas Lite Hub electricity 05/06-03/07/24 £33.99 EDF Hub Gas 06.06.24- pending Four County Services Ltd IT & Viop £244.44 IK Services Town orderly services June s/o £2,808.00 British Gas Lite public WC elec 26.05 - 26/06 £20.57 Dorset Council Hub Rates 5 or 10 £848.00 Dorset Council car park rates 5 of 10 £542.00 R Sharp Grass cutting 21.05-09.07.24 & springfield hedge £3,424.50 T Watson In lieu of payment for container shelves £250.00 Clerk Salary July 24 £1,405.60 Admin Assistant Salary July 24 £724.49 HMRC Tax / NI July 24 £453.87 Dorset Council pension fund Pension July 24 £458.98 Bankline July charges £27.20 DWP Hub & town waste july - Sept 24 £780.65 Youth Connect South West Youth work sessions Q2 01*07-30.09.24 £2,841.18 British Gas Lite Electricity public WC's 26.05-26.06.24 £20.57 IK Services Bin Hire £32.50 Lydlinch PC Office services April & May £94.66 Blackmore Vale Lions Hub hire 13.11.23-13.05.24 £70.00 RESOLVED: List of payment & receipts received 12. The next meeting of the Town Council will be on Wednesday 14th August 2024 There being no further business the Meeting closed at 7.52pm.
1 Comment
1/8/2023 04:24:53 pm
Are there any other matters to be considered during the meeting? thank you....
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