Martyn Underhill the Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner has launched my consultation on whether the policing element of Council Tax should be raised in Dorset. In the last five years, Dorset Police’s budget has been cut by £19m in real terms by central Government and will continue to be cut by £1m every year for the next three years.
The Chief Constable has formally requested that I raise the precept to allow the Force to meet the challenges facing policing. A maximum rise of £3.80 per year in Council Tax would generate £1.07m income, meaning we would have roughly the same amount of money as this year, taking into account our ongoing government cuts. Have you say online here NHS Dorset’s Public Consultation on the proposals contained in their Clinical Services Review began on December 1, 2016 and will run until the end of February 2017. The Clinical Services Review covers both community services and hospital services and proposes some significant changes. The Public Consultation gives local people the chance to have their say. View some short guides to the Review here. The official NHS Dorset Clinical Services Review website link
Click on the bin to see the Dorset Waste Partnership Christmas recycle for Dorset e-newsletter for information regarding refuse disposal over the Christmas period.
BT have made an application to North Dorset District Council to remove the red phone boxes in Stalbridge and the surrounding area ref: 2/2016/1763/TEL . This application will be considered at the Planning meeting 14.12.16. Did you know that you can adopt a classic red phone box in your community for just £1 and turn it into … well, that’s up to you. Click on the phone box for more Information.
March 2020